Call 336-703-4205 to schedule an appointment.
Basic Services provided On Site
- Medical check-ups
- Medical care for illnesses and minor injuries
- Mental health counseling
- Nutrition counseling
- Health education and wellness activities
- Social work services
- Screening and counseling for health risks
- Management of school and behavioral problems
We serve all enrolled students, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. We will bill Medicaid or NC Health Choice and some private insurance plans and bill for co-payments as required. Students without insurance and students with some private insurance plans may or may not be charged, depending on family income. Call the Center for more information.
Eligibility for Services
All students enrolled at Ashley Elementary are eligible to enroll for services at this site. Students will be provided services if and only if parent(s)/guardian(s) have requested services and signed a written consent for the student to have access to all services of the Health Center. Families should bring insurance cards to enrollment.
Services Provided by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Basic Mental Health Services
Screening for risk behaviors, learning problems and mental health issues
- Networking and referral to community resources
- Crisis counseling
Billable Mental Health Services
(parent must complete paperwork and sign consent before services are provided)
- Comprehensive mental health assessment
- Individual counseling
- Family guidance or support in the context of treating the student