The mental health consultation clinic provides psychiatric consultation and care planning for any child or adolescent enrolled in the WS/FCS who is referred by school personnel or primary care providers. Psychiatric treatment services including therapy and medication management are also available.
How it works?
- Any Winston Salem/Forsyth County School student age 5 and older who is not already involved in psychiatric care may be considered for a referral.
- The referring school personnel (i.e. social worker, guidance counselor, psychologist) gathers information from the student, parents, and school.
- If the referring school thinks the student may benefit from this service, he/she discusses the program with the student and parents.
- The referring school personnel completes with the student, parents and teachers the referral forms and sends them to the Mental Health Consultation Clinic team for review.
- The clinic team meets to discuss the student’s needs and decides whether this clinic and/or other resources will best meet the student’s need.
- If recommended by the team meeting, the MHCC psychiatrist will evaluate the student with their parent/guardian present and assist the family doctor in developing the student’s plan of care.
- The Clinic Team works with the student, parents, and school to monitor the plan of care for a period of one year after the student’s first visit to the MHCC.
For more information or to make a referral contact:
Winston Salem Preparatory Academy
1215 N. Cameron Ave.
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-430-0952
Fax: 336-245-4592